Online Store
In this page you can order our cd and our merchandise directly from us.
Payment will be done via PayPal, credit cards are accepted and it's not necessary to be registered on PayPal to make an order!
In case you don't have a credit card it will be possible to agree on a PostePay recharge specifying it in the mail order.
To make an order, send a mail to
In the mail you must include name, address, phone number, email address and a list of what you want to order! The informations will be necessary for shipping costs and for shipping itself.
We will then send you a mail for the payment.
Orders are dispatched within 10 days of receipt.
Shipping will be made via Raccomandata (Registered Letter), the applied charges are those relative to geographic and weight indications on the Poste Italiane website. We will send you a tracking code in order to know the shipping state.
CD - Mother Madness - Casket Music (2009) - 10€

T-Shirt - Monochrome - Man/Girlie - 10€
Size (specify it in the order): Man (M/L/XL), Woman (S/M/L)

Pin - CDCover - 2,5 cm - 1€

Pin - Winter of Life - 2,5 cm - 1€

Lighter - "Zippo" Style - 5€

Winter of Life "MultiPack" - 23€
Includes: 1 CD, 1 T-Shirt, 2 Pins, 1 Lighter, 1 Signed Release Party Poster (What a deal,hehe!)
Please remember to specify the T-Shirt size in the order!
