Promo Ready - October 10, 2008

Our Mother Madness
promos have finally been printed, and we are going to send them to
labels. Any interested label can request a copy sending a mail to
We want to remember the strength points of our cd:
Recorded in Rome at "The Outer Sound Studios" by Giuseppe Orlando (Novembre, Klimt 1918, Necrodeath, etc.)
Mixed in Helsinki at Finnvox Studios by Mika Jussila (Amorphis, Apocalyptica, Children of Bodom, Him, Nightwish, Novembre, Sentenced and many more)
Artwork by "Seth" Siro Anton (Paradise Lost, Moonspell, Oceansize, Soilwork, etc.)
cd is a full-length made of 11 songs, 66 minutes long, very well done
in every single detail, and we believe a lot in it. The promo includes
a multimedia section with more infos, photos, lyrics, live and past
demo reviews and the whole artwork.
See you soon...

Winter of Life on radio
- Novembre 18, 2007
Flash news: Today at 6.30 PM (G+1)we'll be on Radio Nuove Voci: . Stay tuned!

Audio on Mother Madness finished
- October 16, 2007
We've finished the work for the audio part of "Mother Madness". The mix has been finished in the first days of September in The Outer Sound Studios of Giuseppe Orlando. Mastering has been done in Finnvox Studios by Mika
Jussila (Amorphis, Apocalyptica, Children of Bodom, Him, Nightwish,
Novembre, Stratovarius, The 69 Eyes... just to mention some) in the first days of October.
We're all very satisfied of the work, for the superb quality of the record, and for the fact that we believe alot in our songs.
We must mention the collaboration of Tiziana Palmieri (Lykaion) in the new central part of witHer.
It becomes more and more difficult for us to define the "genre" of our music: in any case, we can say that there isn't a lack of intricate structures, there is a progressive base with death rythms and with a lot of alternative influences. But this sounds typically "WoL", so it's full of melodies and melancholy. The sounds are "modern", there's been a very big study on vocal lines and their harmonies and, even if growls have been eliminated, Elia has been very versatile and his voice in the more aggressive parts won't make anyone miss anything.
We don't know when the album will be available because, before finding a label, we are thinking about the artwork and taking care of the "non-musical" part of the cd, and we want to bring them to a level at least equal to that of the record.
Stay tuned for possible short-medium-term news!

Winter of Life at S-Hammer Metal Fest
- May 17, 2007

GREAT NEWS:we'll be the opening band on the second day of the S-Hammer Metal Fest, playing with bands like Novembre, Vader, Destruction and... ANATHEMA!!! A dream that comes true!!! The festival will last two days, 20 and 21 July. It will be in Castel Volturno (CASERTA). For any kind of information on the festival go to

Home Pre-Recordings of "Form of Egotism"
- April 13, 2007
We have added the home made pre recorded version of Form of Egotism on our MySpace, listen and enjoy! Obviously, let us know what you think about it...we want to remind you that it's just a home made recording , done only to see if the songs were ok, so don't expect hi quality sounds and accurate playing... even if we really love this song it's different from the other pieces, being probably the more "linear" and "tender",eheh!
We are looking forward to receive comments!
We're also still looking for labels interested in our work. If anyone wants to, contact us via email.

First news about "Mother Madness"
- April 07, 2007
We are sorry, it's been a long time since we last updated our news, so let's see what happened to this point:
on 1st March we have started recording our album, entitled "Mother Madness", at Giuseppe Orlando's (Novembre's drummer) Outer Sound Studios in Rome. We have finished recording drums, basses, keyboards and rythm guitars, and because of Giuseppe's work with his band we're going to finish the record session in June. For now we are highly satisfied with the songs and with Giuseppe's really professional work, so we hope we will have a great album in our hands. The album's tracklist will be:
1 Mattutino (Intro)
2 Noumena
3 Mother Madness
4 witHer 2k7
5 Form of Egotism
6 be{for[ev(H)er]} 2k7
7 disIllusion
8 Stream of Unconsciusness
9 As Back Then
10 If Silence...
11 Vespro (Outro)

New gig & live report
- Genuary 23, 2006
09/03/06 new gig in Naples @ Rock Cafè with Lykaion:

Great live report on DheadBangers Zine where we are defined as "one of the best avantgarde bands in Italy".

New MySpace page
- Genuary 19, 2006
New page on MySpace:, you all can post us, add us and promote us!!!
New photo book (thanks to Tiziana Palmieri (also writer on Babylon Magazine), soon photos with the new line-up and personal spaces.

New gigs & 2 new songs
- December 18, 2005
New gigs added in Live section:
01/08/06: Theatres des Vampires +
Winter of Life + Lord Milos @ Duel Beat (Napoli);
04/02/06: Gallery of Lore +
Winter of Life @ Jail Club (Napoli).
New gigs soon.
For now we finished other 2 songs for our project Mother Madness

Line-up change
- December 01, 2005
After an year Winter of Life changes guitarist Luca D’Alterio.
The decision was sad but ineluctable and we are friends still. Luca is
a great guitarist and surely will express his potential. The new
guitarist is Dario
Bellicoso, with him the band reborned and soon we'll record a new CD.

- August 17, 2005
Holydays for WoL, 4 new songs ready, and a lot of we are searching for a recording studio.
We think that the new work will be called "Mother Madness", formed by 6 song plus intro, outro and a short
central track. The concept is somthing of "pirandellian", a search of ourselves
and a travel in madness...and,naturally love,eheh,
"motor et exasperator" of our mind.
This tracks will exasper the sounds of our previous songs. Ever melodies, ever alternances,
ever long and strange tracks. Surely more "prog",
somtimes more "extreme" others more minimal. See you soon with other news.

New gigs
- May 04, 2005
New gigs added in Live section :
10/05 Winter of Life + Lykaion al 360° Roma
21/05 Winter of Life + C.T.A. + The Nightfaring @ MKC Koper (Slovenia)!
